CareersPLUS Presents: Social Impressions – Navigating the social landscape from school to making lasting personal and professional connections
Date(s) - September 16, 2021
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Have you been at a party/dance/social event and found that everybody was participating and engaging with the festivities while you feel alienated or left out? Do you find difficulties in ingratiating yourself two new social groups or people you are unfamiliar with? Do you feel that being blind compounds or exacerbates any of these issues? Social anxieties and being nervous in the face of new people and groups can be daunting with or without vision. And we will discuss our experiences in such situations and how to overcome being terminally introverted or debilitatingly shy.
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Meeting ID: 821 8995 5867
Passcode: 443196
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For program information for this online event, contact Armando Hernandez at [email protected] while Richard is on vacation.