CareersPLUS Youth Presents: Back To school and All About College Planning

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Date(s) - August 12, 2021
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm


Join us Thursday, August 12 starting at 5:30 pm PDT as we talk with recent graduate Lindsay Ker as she shares out what students need to be prepared for when planning for and attending college. Lindsay is both a blind college graduate and works at CSU Long Beach. Also, Deborah Armstrong is a long time staff with DeAnza Community College in Los Altos. Debra will share with us what makes for a successful college transition and what pitfalls students should avoid. She and Lindsay both will share with us experiences from the student and faculty perspectives. Both Debra and Lindsay are blind and will bring candid life experiences and a check list of practical ideas to employ as college plans are hatched.


Discussions will cover the physical, hybrid and virtual  college class room, note taking, managing readers, navigating around campus, personal safety and more.


Students ages 13 to 22 are invited.


We will start with our fun getting to know you icebreaker activity followed by meeting our 2 very interesting guests.


Thursday, August 12, 5:30 to 7:30 pm Pacific Daylight Time

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Meeting ID: 891 8446 7058

Passcode: 079277

For additional information, you may contact Richard Rueda, Program Coordinator at [email protected] or by phone at 916.889.7513.