Employment Workshop for Students with Disabilities
Date(s) - July 17, 2019
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Society for the Blind
1238 S Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
Are you a student at a Los Rios Community College (American River, Sacramento City, Folsom Lake, or Consumnes River)? If so, the WorkAbility 3 Program can assist you with:
- Full-time or part-time employment
- Internships
- Career Planning
The Los Rios Community College WorkAbility 3 Program assists students with disabilities regarding career exploration, vocational counseling, and employment preparation. To be part of our program, you must also be a consumer with the California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) – we can help get you connected to DOR, to learn more about our program and how we can help you reach your career goals!
What if I’m not a current Los Rios student?
If you are not currently enrolled but are interested, you are welcome to attend, learn and apply your options
For more information and/or to save your seat, please contact Richard Rueda [email protected] or 916-889-7513