Writing Workshop
Date(s) - April 13, 2024
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Society for the Blind Training Room
1238 S Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
Is there a creative voice inside of you looking for an outlet? If you are looking for such an outlet or just trying to find your voice, this maybe the place for you. The Society for the Blind hosts a regular writing workshop facilitated by Bradley W. Buchanan, Professor Emeritus, Department of English, California State University. The workshop is based on the Amherst Writings and Artists (AWA) workshop model. This model is designed to provide a safe and supportive writing environment for all. During the workshop time, Brad provides a writing prompt, participants take time to write to the prompt or to write whatever they feel needs to be written at that time, and the group reconvenes to share what they have written. Sharing is entirely optional, and the participants only provide positive feedback.
The workshop times are always from noon to 2:00 p.m. Upcoming workshop dates are:
• March 23
• April 13
• May 11
• May 25
• June 8
Anyone interested in participating in the workshop should contact Samantha Adams at [email protected]