Society for the Blind Recently Featured in the 2016 Sacramento Bee Book of Dreams!

Digital voice recorders help visually impaired seniors

Special to The Bee

Darrell Horst had everything out on the counter he needed to make the filling of a German dessert, blachinda, for a potluck later that week: pumpkin, spices, salt. He had the recipe. He had a helper, who teaches cooking classes regularly.

Easy as pie? Not quite.

Read full story here.


Brandie Kubel, an instructor of independent living skills who is blind, gives Darrell Horst a cooking lesson at the Society for the Blind in Sacramento this month. Digital recorders would help 120 seniors with vision loss with directions, appointments and even recipes.

Photo: ANDREW SENG [email protected]
Brandie Kubel, an instructor of independent living skills who is blind, gives Darrell Horst a cooking lesson at the Society for the Blind in Sacramento
this month. Digital recorders would help 120 seniors with vision loss with directions, appointments and even recipes.