We are Putting Your Generosity to Work
As we make our way toward Thanksgiving, it’s a good time to pause and reflect on our gratitude for the generosity of you – our donors, volunteers and friends – over the past year.
We strive to be good stewards of your generosity and to put your gifts to work – and this year, we literally put your donations to work! We assisted 29 students in retaining or finding jobs. We taught them how to use adaptive technologies and provided consultation to their employers so they could incorporate these adaptive products and software into the workplace. Through our CareersPLUS program, we offered resume writing assistance and interviewing practice.
In addition to those who found employment, another five of our clients enrolled in college to pursue degrees and prepare for future employment.
We are deeply grateful for your support of our programs because unemployment for people with vision loss is at nearly 70%. But thanks to you, we are helping people with vision loss find work or remain on the job.
Thanks to your contributions of time, talent and treasure, nearly 6,000 people living with low vision and blindness took part in our programs, received eye care at our Low Vision Clinic, and stayed connected through support groups and other Society events.
We appreciate your support of Society for the Blind. Your generosity is creating real change for the people we serve. Thank You!
Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving.